Jordan Elliot Finch J.E.F.
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Personal Details


Name: Jordan Elliot Finch
Age: 26 (28/10/1996)
Residence: Bath, England
CV: Download (.docx) | (.odt) | (.pdf)

Employment Details
Storm Consultancy — Junior Rails Developer (2022 — present)

I currently work for Storm Consultancy, a web development agency that specialises in making bespokse Ruby on Rails web apps in addition to WordPress sites. I am one of a team of Ruby on Rails developers. My day-to-day involves working on a given project, often interacting with clients, considering their needs, and delivering them the solution that they require.

GamePoint B.V. — Junior Front-end Developer (2015)

I worked at this company from June to July 2015, during my time in the Netherlands. The company is an online games company based in The Hague. I was responsible for front-end work, including the maintenance and upgrade of some company-side tools.

Blueloop Ltd. — IT Technical Resource (2016)

I worked at this company from December 2015 to February 2016. I was contracted to Great Western Railway's IT department. My role included setting up employee laptops to custom specifications and personally handing over the hardware to the user with a thorough demonstration of how to use the hardware. I was also responsible for solving any IT-related issues that employees had.

University of Plymouth (2017 — 2022)

BSc Computing and Software Development: 1st-class

Yeovil College (2013 — 2014)

A2 Computing: B
AS Computing: A
AS Psychology: A
AS Sociology: C


English: Native language
Dutch: B1/B2-niveau (zelf geleerd)